Dr. Freeman’s Publications
Wolfel, A., Pederson, S., Cleymaet, A., Hess, A., Freeman, K. S. (2016). Comparison of canine central corneal thickness measurements using the Pentacam-HR Scheimp?ug system, optical coherence tomography, and high-resolution ultrasound biomicroscopy (6th ed., vol. 19, pp. E29). Veterinary Ophthalmology.
Wu D, Smith S, Stine J, Miller-Michau T, Miller T, Pederson SL, Freeman KS. Treatment of spontaneous chronic corneal epithelial defects with diamond burr debridement (burr) vs combination burr and grid keratotomy. Veterinary Ophthalmology. Accepted by Veterinary Ophthalmology 2017.
Freeman KS, Fiorello C, Murray M. Comparison of anterior segment health in wild and captive common murres. Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2017 Aug 27. doi: 10.1111/vop.12493. [Epub ahead of print]
Jinks M, Olea-Popelka FJ, Freeman KS. Causes and outcomes of dogs presenting with hyphema to a referral hospital in Colorado: A retrospective analysis of 91 cases. Veterinary Ophthalmology 2017 Aug 6. doi: 10.1111/vop.12491. [Epub ahead of print]
Fiorello CV, Freeman K, Elias BA, Whitmer E, Ziccardi MH. Ophthalmic effects of petroleum dispersant exposure on common murres (Uria aalge): An experimental study. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2016; pii: S0025-326X(16)30843-8. doi: 10.1016/jmarpolbul.2016.10.027.
Lau RK, Moresco A, Jones S, Reilly C, Hawkins M, Murphy C, Hollingsworth S, Freeman KS. Presumptive Keratoglobus in a Great Horned Owl (Bulbo virginianus). Veterinary Ophthalmology 2016; 10.1111/vop.12413.
Thomasy SM, Shull O, Outerbridge CA, Lim CC, Freeman KS, Strom AR, Kass PH, Maggs DJ. Use of oral famciclovir for treatment of spontaneous ocular, respiratory or dermatologic disease attributed to feline herpesvirus type-1 in 59 client-owned cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 2016; 249(5): 526-538.
Cleymaet M, Hess A and Freeman KS. A comparison between central corneal thickness measurement in healthy feline eye using the Pentacam-HR® and Optical Coherence Tomography. Veterinary Ophthalmology 2016; 19(Supp 1): 105-114.
Wright EP‡, Waugh LF‡, Goldstein T, Freeman KS, Kelly TR, Wheeler EA, Smith BR, Gulland FMD. Evaluation of viruses and their association with ocular lesions in pinnipeds in rehabilitation. Veterinary Ophthalmology (2015) 18, Supplement 1, 148–159.
Jayson S, Guzman DSM, Petritz O, Freeman K, Maggs DJ. 2014. Medical Management of Acute Ocular Hypertension in a Western Screech Owl (Megascops kennicottii). J Av Med Surg. 28(1).
Freeman KS, KL Good, PH Kass, SA Park, N Nestorowicz, and R Ofri. 2013 . Assessing the effects of Chemical Restraint on the Canine Electroretinogram: Sequential Recordings in Awake, Sedated, and Anesthetized Dogs. Am J Vet Res. 74(7).
Freeman KS, Thomasy SM, Stanley SD, Van Bonn W, Gulland FMD, Friedlaender AS, and Maggs DJ. 2012. Population pharmacokinetics of doxycycline in tears and plasma of elephant seals following oral administration. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 2013; 243(8):1170-1178.
Freeman KS, Miller MD, Breitschwerdt EB, Lappin MR. 2010. Leishmaniasis in a dog native to Colorado. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 237(11): 1288-91.
Freeman K. 2010. Update on the diagnosis and management of Leishmania spp infection in dogs in the United States. Top Companion Anim Med. 25(3): 149-54.
Gionfriddo J, Freeman K, Groth A., Scofield, V, Alyahya K, Madl J. 2009. alpha-luminol prevents decreases in glutamate, glutathione and glutamine synthetase in the retinas of glaucomatous DBA/2J mice. Veterinary Ophthalmology. 12(5): 325-322.
Freeman KS, Lewbart GA, Robarge WP, Harms CA, Law JM, Stoskopf MK. 2009. Characterization of eversion syndrome in captive Scyphomedusa jellyfish. Am J Vet Res. 70(9): 1087-93.
Freeman K. 2003. Distribution of Highly Migratory Marine Mammals and Seabirds in the Eastern North Pacific: Are Existing Marine Protected Areas in the Right Place? Master’s Thesis. Duke University, Durham, NC: pp 63.
Freeman K. 2000. Status of General Physicians’ Environmental Health Awareness – RI Case Studies. Honors Thesis. Brown University, Providence, RI: pp 120.